Version 2.0.0
- General Object Tracking improvements and bug fixing.
- Added Planar (Images) Tracking features.
- Added Locations Tracking features.
- Added Device Motion Tracking features.
- Added support for latest version of Unity3D (v5.2.2p3)
- Added support for iOS 9/Xcode 7.1
- Added support for Android 5.
- Added Virtual Reality (VR) APIs, that enable new possibilities to display and use 3D data, specifically the following viewers have been added:
- 3D Simple Viewer: a gesture controlled 3D viewer
- 3D Motion Controlled Viewer: uses the device's sensors to look around a 3D scene
- 360-Panorama Viewer: displays panoramic images (equirectangular format, 2:1 aspect ratio) and uses device's sensors to look around
Version 1.1.0 (NOTE: Android version 1.0.4)
- Solved Rendering Example visualization issues that prevented 3D models to be displayed on devices with Android 5.0 and later.
- Solved Basic Example compilation issues related to OpenCV dependency.
- General 3D tracking improvements and bug fixing.
- Support for ZIP files containing multiple 3D objects files (iOS only, Android coming soon).
- Support for 64 bit architectures (iOS).
- Improved support for latest versions of Unity3D (read accompanying READMEs for details).
- Added Virtual Reality (VR) APIs, that enable new possibilities to display and use 3D data, specifically the following viewers have been added (NOTE: these features are available only for iOS, Android version will come soon):
- 3D Simple Viewer: a gesture controlled 3D viewer
- 3D Motion Controlled Viewer: uses the device's sensors to look around a 3D scene
- 360-Panorama Viewer: displays panoramic images (equirectangular format, 2:1 aspect ratio) and uses device's sensors to look around
Version 1.0.1
- Wrong documentation URLs have been corrected.
- The Unity plugin's package has been modified in order to automatically copy required dependencies (Android only).